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#003 Do I just want to get rich?!

by | Feb 27, 2021 | Podcast | The Niklas Pedde Show | 19 comments

Why I do what I am doing…

Listen to this episode of The Niklas Pedde Show and learn why I do what I do and why money won’t make you happy.



Discover in this episode:

– Why do I do what I am doing

– Why money won’t make you happy

– Why business is kinda like playing computer games for me


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  1. Siddhant Jimmy

    Hey niklas, Just finished all three of the podcasts, and I genuinely loved them all, it was amazing to hear how just one decision of yours has exploded your business and gave you the life of your dreams, Just like you I too am just 17 right now and all I think about is business day and night, finding ways to escape the mediocrity and truly life the best possible life, You really inspire me and I too am continuously looking forward to learning from mentors like you and try to collect enough money to actually invest in their mentorship. Anyway this is a great beginning to your new venture, I’ll follow all dedicatedly, All the very best, thanks for uploading great content

  2. Waleed

    I just don’t want to be only rich but wealthy.

    And financially free too.

    Btw I’m going to post my first photo on my new page.

    Fully motivated after listening your podcasts.

    Because I want to live the life you’re living.

    Stay Successful, Niklas.

  3. Roshanah

    I do agree with you that making money isn’t only for the lavish lifestyle but also the advantages that come along it. As I am learning more about money, I find it like a game that have so many puzzles to solve.

  4. Tanvi

    You are the best niklas!
    Everything you told about money in this parts is alot valuable
    I am blessed to have a mentor like you!

  5. Deepanshu

    Your all the three podcasts episodes were totally amazing .
    I loved the way you explained some things very simply and the way you are in reel and would be same as in real life too and the hardwork you did hats off to you man just can’t wait to see more episodes of this….

    • Jack

      I always believe there are 4 steps…

      1. Survival
      2. Security
      3. Success
      4. Significance.

      Yes Niklas. Money isn’t only goal because the goal should be fulfillment. Most people stop on 3rd step and wonder why they aren’t happy after having so much money because they lack the 4th step significance.

  6. Rúben Antunes

    When I saw that this Podcast was created, I didn’t know what to expect. But for sure, it exceeded all my expectations. It brings us a more interesting, more in-depth perspective of the life of Niklas.
    I, for sure, will continue to listen to this Podcast series and totally recommend it to everyone.

  7. Farhan

    Such an inspirational story that how Niklas became successful and rich.

  8. Ibra

    I love your podcast much
    I wish you always be motivated and help people like me to make goals reality

  9. dabilojohannes

    This episode is so enlightening on the aspect of financial freedom and wealth creation. Niklas Pedde clearly outlines that money is not what makes you happy, but the process you get into when making money is what makes one happy and the challenges that you face. Business is simply his passion, it’s so amazing.

  10. Prasenjit Deb

    The knowledge about money and business is clearly understood, after listening to your 3 episodes.. You are right the goal is to build true wealth, complete financial freedom. I’m really glad to have a mentor like you inside the Instagram university. Thanks for evolve my mindset through these episodes.

  11. Prasenjit (businessattitudes)

    Financial freedom is the biggest goal of all hustler.. And I really appreciate the way you hustle in your early age and build that million dollars business through Instagram, it was you from whom I got the inspiration to start IG account last year, since then I hv 3 account and thanks to your IG courses I I have learned a lot.. I pray for your mom.. I also appreciate that you have given a bmw to your mom few months back on her birthday, that’s really win my heart. Love you brother (mentor)

  12. Malay

    Niklas.. Felt really good to hear why you do what you do and what goes inside you brother.
    For me too, journey matters the most because the toughness it gives you makes you so much more confident, grounded and give you a belief that you can survive in any situation. Also, I believe if you
    just aim at making x amount of money then after a point when you have earned sufficient, you become complacent; but if have a bigger pupose in your life, something so big that you don’t think it can be achieved in this lifetime, that really turns you on. Like Elon Musk, who wants to put people on Mars. He’s just 49 yet, and that’s a goal he may not be able to achieve in his lifetime, yet he’s still working tirelessly at it and his tireless work towards his purpose only made him the second richest person on this planet.

  13. Grace

    Listened to the first 3 episodes and I like it so far! The explanations are clear and it’s nice to hear more about your background and the reason you do things (I can relate to wanting to support your family when it’s needed). Will you do any episodes about the mistakes you’ve made, maybe even with someone else who does similar work, like other big Instagram accounts? It’d be cool to hear some of your shared experiences and the differences between you and the other people!

    • Takura

      Thanks Nik for this wonderful episode, it has enlighted me on knowing how to handle my finances. We must all know what we work hard for and why we do it. I’m inspired by this episode.

  14. Marcel

    With this podcast you provide so much free value that will help me and I think many others to get to the next level!
    You motivate me everyday to give more than 100% 🔥 Keep on going!
    Thank you for everything

  15. Anneleen Ramon

    You know, when I watch your online lessons, I only see you as a mentor and a businessman. Of course that’s amazing, I learned a lot in the past month, but there was missing a piece. The gap between my goals and where I am now is really big. When I started a month ago with my online instagram account, my parents, family and friends didn’t approve or believe in me. That makes it hard to have the motivation and the perseverance to keep going.

    However, when I started listening to your Podcast, I knew that I found that missing piece. It made me realise that you’re also only human and you started your journey as a dream, just like us. By just listening to these episodes, there goes a rush of inspiration through my veins. It’s unbelievable. Al the doubt and the worries just go away. Even though I haven’t earned my first $, I know in my heart that I will achieve my goals and dreams. Just like you did.

  16. Harman

    Hello Niklas🙏, I listened to the podcast and they are really good😇, because now I’am in your same position when you were on the way to make your first 1000$ 💸 through Instagram.
    Recently I did a coaching call and made 30$ 💸 ,(for me it’s really a significant number because I’m pretty new to this game),and what I liked is that now that I’m getting my first results it gives me more motivation by listening your story from a broke student to a successful entrepreneur.
    If you want you can check my Instagram page( )🚀💥🦁 which I started after the Instagram University 3.0.

  17. joshuambondoc

    Actually doing something you really enjoy and consider it fun will make you do better in it. Then just persevere and continue til you reach your ultimate dream which is being financially free and bring able to help your family and friends. 🔥🔥🔥


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By Niklas Pedde

Niklas is a 20 year old entrepreneur who moved to Dubai on his own at the age of 18. He used the power of Instagram to build a million dollar business and he now also shows others how he did it.

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