The “Lifestyle-Trap” and how you can avoid falling into it
In this episode of The Niklas Pedde Show I’ll share with you how I felt into the “Lifestyle-Trap” and how you can avoid falling into it.
Discover in this episode:
– How I felt into the lifestyle trap and how you can avoid falling into it
– How I spend over $150,000 for lifestyle
– Why you have to master yourself if you want to succeed in business
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The Podcast of Niklas Pedde shows me the behind of scene of Niklas’ life.
There are so many value, what we can learn from Niklas and he’s strategies.
Hey buddy I’ve following you since past few years and had been a student of Instagram university , it was super valuable and I reaped a great benefit from that , now this podcast it is super amazing with tons of value .
From putting values of
Content creation to Instagram growth you’ve changed and impacted many people life’s and I’m one of them your values are always super bomb and the one this was missing , and you covered that also by creating this podcast , super excited to hear and grasp all your valuable thought and ideas and enthusiasm that you put into this .
You’re goat 🐐 of IG
Keep doing and reaching new heights .
Hey Niklas
I wrote the note “lifestyle trap” in my note.
You know body health is wealth
Shusha not good thing I hope you give up this habit.
Finally plz recommend a book for me to build a good habits.
This is amazing!! I’ve always wondered how he made it to the top!but this podcast explains it,looking for more episodes 👍👍👍
Already took the IGU and this gives me the behind the scenes,keep up the good work
Hey Nicklas
You’ve done work in the podcast .
I’ve been following you since past few years and had been student of your Instagram university too , that was super bomb and it provided me great value.
From providing values of content creation to growing Instagram you’ve provided amazing values and touched many people’s lives and I’m one of them too .
Only one thing was missing and you covered that too by creating this podcast , which is also a super bomb heard all the episodes till now and super excited for the coming ones .
Keep doing the good deeds
With this podcast you provide so much free value that will help me and I think many others to get to the next level 🙂
You motivate me everyday to give more than 100% 🔥
Thank you for everything!!
Man Niklas going behind the scenes and sharing such information makes “The Niklas Pedde Show” so much interesting and very addictive. Most businessman out there never share such information but with Niklas he is doing it to make us really understand and grasp this game. Can’t wait for the next podcast episode. #theniklaspeddeshow
Thank you so much my man 👍🙂 will surely follow all these things. And implement These valuable information in my life for sure 💯 and later on let’s meet in Dubai. After the success . And these valuable information which you are providing through podcasts keep up with them my friend .
Lots of Love ❤️ from India
This episode is special because you have separated two things clearly.
Generally people fall in the trap of materialism when Business goes well. Of course the person should never decrease the quality if life to make more money but that relating to health and family purposes.
Lifestyle trap has some chances to blur your direction.
Appreciate you for coming up with this Important lesson Nik. 👌❤️
Spending smart is difficult when Instagram’s culture is all about a Luxurious Lifestyle.
To hear how Niklas has been able to maneuver through the challenges, teaches us that materialism happiness does not last long.
Create boundaries around your spending and invest in things that will help you get long-term wealth.
Great advice! Enjoyed this episode
I do agree with you that lifestyle- trap is something which is so dangerous. I did fall into this trap too and it was a bad experience but it taught me a lot lesson. Nowadays, I think twice before spending my money.
I recommend living a low life to any one who starts making making cause it’s true that spending too much wouldn’t make you happy. Fancy lifestyle is good but not worth it. Thanks Nik for the heads up will surely take advantage of this.
Important Listening!!
Niklas, I was just stunned by how easily you explained the “lifestyle-trap” in just a few words.
You are amazing!
Just listened to the 6th episode of the Podcast, and the message of this one just hits deep. It’s for sure, something to keep in mind, to not let yourself fall into the “lifestyle-trap”. It was my favourite episode until now.
Thank you for your honesty, Niklas.