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#043 Why I Prefer My Money Coming From Themepages To My Money Coming From My Personal Brand

by | Aug 27, 2021 | Podcast | The Niklas Pedde Show | 0 comments

In this episode of the Niklas Pedde show, I’ll share with you how I build a 7 figure coaching business and how you can use a simple 6 step process to build and scale your own 6 / 7 figure coaching business.



Here’s what you’ll discover in episode #043 of The Niklas Pedde Show:

– Why IG themepages probably are the best business opportunities on social media at the moment
– The advantages of IG themepages, compared to personal brands, YouTube, Dropshipping, etc.
– The journey of my themepages and how I struggled at the beginning
– The most common income opportunities of IG themepages
– Why and How IG themepages often are Your first step into the business world
– How IG themepages can be run completely on autopilot and are able to generate passive and safe income streams
– Why I often compare IG themepages with real estate

And So Much More…


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By Niklas Pedde

Niklas is a 20 year old entrepreneur who moved to Dubai on his own at the age of 18. He used the power of Instagram to build a million dollar business and he now also shows others how he did it.

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